Prices and Awards

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) intends to honor outstanding initiatives and activities in the field of medicinal product quality through awards and prices. This will be realized as an independent initiative as well as in cooperation with national or international Societies and Associations.





Quality of Medicines Award

  • 2024 Dr. Tim Menzen, Coriolis Pharma
  • 2023 Sophie Luise Meiser and Jonas Pielenhofer, Univ. Mainz
  • 2022 Dr. Cathrin Hauk, Univ. Tübingen
  • 2021 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Scherf-Clavel, Univ. Würzburg

Pearls of Bioequivalence Award

  • 2024 Prof. Dr. James Polli,
    University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore
  • 2022 Dr. Eduard Molins, Univ. Politecnica Catalunya
  • 2021 Prof. Dr. Maria del Val Bermejo Sanz, Univ. Elche, Alicante


The following prizes and awards are planned or already set up:

  • „Quality of Medicines Award“ (awarded together with the DPhG)
  • „Pearls of Bioequivalence Award“ (awarded together with the EUFEPS Network Bioavailability and Biopharmaceutics)
  • „Hans-Günter-Schäfer Award“ (awarded on the occasion of the PK / PD expert meeting)
  • „Lifetime Achievement Award“ for outstanding scientists for their contributions to the optimization of the quality of medicines.



  • 2024 Yomna Nassar, Freie Univ. Berlin
  • 2023 Dr. Robin Michelet, Freie Univ. Berlin
  • 2022 Lukas Kovar, Univ. Saarbrücken
  • 2021 Jane Knöchel, Univ. Potsdam
  • 2021 Corinna Maier, Univ. Potsdam

Lifetime Achievement Award

  • 2024 Prof. A. Atilla Hincal, Hacettepe Univ. Ankara
  • 2023 Prof. Dr. Leslie Benet, Univ. San Francisco
  • 2020 Prof. Dr. Laszlo Endrenyi, Univ. Toronto
  • 2021 Prof. Dr. José Morais, Univ. Lisbon


September 28, 2024

Quality of Medicines Award 2024 for Dr. Tim Menzen

At the Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) in Münster, Dr. Tim Menzen received the DPhG Quality of Medicines Award 2024. The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) as initiator and sponsor of this award congratulates Dr. Menzen and his team for this recognition of his scientific research projects in the development of methods for determining the quality of biotechnological medicinal products. The award winner is Chief Technology Officer at Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH, Martinsried, and responsible for both, internal scientific projects and collaborations with partners from industry and academia.

(Photo: Dr. Peter Dziemba, Münster)

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September 12, 2024

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines presents Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Dr. A. Atilla Hincal

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) has honored Prof. Dr. Atilla Hincal, Pharmaceutical Technology at Hacettepe University Ankara/Turkey, with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Prof. Hincal was awarded for his extraordinary achievements in the field of pharmaceutical technology and outstanding contributions to improve the quality and effectiveness of medicines. We congratulate the award winner on this recognition of his life’s work.

The award ceremony took place on the occasion of the 21st International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS) in Ankara. Professor Hincal is the founding president of this series of conferences, which takes place every second year and which he has been supporting with his expertise for more than 40 years now.

In addition to the award certificate, the prizewinner was also presented with a Gömböc, the traditional sculpture for FFQM’s Lifetime Achievement Award, by the founder and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation, Professor Henning Blume.

Professor Hincal is the fourth pharmaceutical scientist to be awarded a Gömböc by the FFQM for his life’s achievements.

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April 17, 2024

Pearls of Bioequivalence Award 2024 goes to Prof. James Polli

We congratulate Professor James E. Polli, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy, who is this year’s winner of the Pearls of Bioequivalence Award. The prize is awarded jointly by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) and the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS). The award goes to the publication of Prof. Polli:

“Lack of an Effect of Polysorbate 80 on Intestinal Drug Permeability“, Pharmaceutical Research (2022) 39:1881–1890

This prize was awarded at the Global Bioequivalence Harmonization Initiative (GBHI) conference on April 16 in Rockville/MD by the Chairman of the foundation’s Board, Professor Henning Blume.

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March 17, 2024

Hans-Günter-Schäfer Award 2024

„I hope you will take this award as motivation for your future research as a scientist“. With these words, the Chairman of the Frankfurt Foundation congratulates this year’s winner of the Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award, Ms. Yomna Nassar (Freie Universität Berlin). The prize, endowed with 1,000 euros, is sponsored by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM).

The award was presented on 15 March on the occasion of the PKPD expert meeting in Isny, which is organized by the Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH). The past president of the AGAH, Dr. Andreas Kovar, and this year’s chairman of the meeting, Dr. Alexander Staab, present the prize to Yomna Nassar after her summary of the main results of the award-winning publication.

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October 17, 2023

DPhG-FFQM Quality of Medicines Award 2023

The winners of the Quality of Medicines Award 2023 are Sophie Luise Meiser and Jonas Pielenhofer from Prof. P. Langguth’s working group at the J. Gutenberg University Mainz. Both are in an interdisciplinary research group that carries out studies in the area of “Quality-by-Design (QbD) nanotechnology / clinical pharmaceutics”.

Pielenhofer accepted the award at the DPhG annual conference in Tübingen on behalf of those involved in the project.

We congratulate the award winners on the project, which includes QbD-based product development of a new nanoparticulate emulsion gel with a poorly soluble active ingredient and ensuring the quality of the drug as well as its safe use by patients.

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May 18, 2023

Congratulations, Prof. Leslie Benet - Lifetime Achievement Award presented

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Professor Leslie Z. Benet of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) for his outstanding achievements in the field of pharmaceutical science and his contributions to improving the quality and efficacy of medicines awarded.

The award ceremony took place on May 15, 2023 at the end of a scientific congress in the Frankfurt Airport Conference Center. The draft of Part A of the ICH M13 Guideline on Bioequivalence of immediate release dosage forms was discussed and commented on in the „Open Forum“ initiated by the EUFEPS (European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences) and organized jointly with the Working Group for Pharmaceutical Process Engineering (APV).

The winner, Professor Benet, was presented with the certificate and the Gömböc, the traditional sculpture for the FFQM Lifetime Achievement Award, by the founder and Chairman of the Foundation, Professor Henning Blume.

Professor Benet is already the third scientist whose life’s work has been honored with a Gömböc by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines.

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September 29, 2022

Presentation of the "Pearls of Bioequivalence Award" at the GBHI conference in Amsterdam

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) and the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) honor outstanding contributions to the optimization of concept, design and evaluation of bioequivalence with the „Pearls of Bioequivalence Award“. The decision on the winners is made jointly by the two organizations on the basis of proposals from the steering committee of the EUFEPS Biopharmaceuticals and Bioavailability Network.

The award ceremony for both 2022 and 2021, which had to be postponed due to COVID restrictions, took place at the Global Bioequivalence Harmonization Initiative (GBHI) conference on September 28 in Amsterdam. We congratulate the award winners Prof. Marival Bermejo, Universitat Miquel Hernández de Elche and Dr. Eduard Molins, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.

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Foto: R. Gerlach-Riehl/FB Pharmazie Uni Marburg
Foto: R. Gerlach-Riehl/FB Pharmazie Uni Marburg

September 18, 2022

Dr. Cathrin Hauk received the “Quality of Medicines Award” 2022

The Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) and the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) awarded the joint »Quality of Medicines Award« at the annual Meeting of the DPhG on September 16th. This year’s award winner is Dr. Cathrin Hauk, University of Oxford/UK. With this prize her dissertation »Investigations and identification options for inferior and counterfeit medicines to improve the quality of medicines in low- and middle income Countries« (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) was honored.

Quote from the doctoral thesis: »Securing the quality of medicines worldwide is one of the major health policy challenges of our time and the basis for general health care, which is anchored as goal 3.8 in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.« We congratulate Dr. Hauk, who made an important contribution to quality transparency with her investigations.

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May 22, 2022

Hans Günter Schäfer Science Prize 2020 belated awarded

Since the PKPD Expert Meeting in 2020 had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the presentation of the Hans Günter Schäfer Award 2020 was made up for at this year’s conference on April 29th in Saarbrücken. The two winners Corinna Maier (AbbVie) and Jane Knöchel (AstraZeneca) share the prize.


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May 16, 2022

Hans-Günter-Schäfer-Science Prize 2022 awarded

Pharmacist Lukas Kovar (Boehringer Ingelheim) has been awarded the Hans Günter Schäfer Science Prize 2022. In honor of Dr. Hans Günter Schäfer this prize is awarded for the promotion of young scientists on the occasion of the PKPD expert meeting organized by the Working Group for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH). Since this year, the award has been supported by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) as a partner of AGAH.


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November 22, 2021

Professor Josè Morais honored with Lifetime Achievement Award

In a ceremony on November 13, 2021, the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) bestowed the “Lifetime Achievement Award”  for outstanding scientific contributions to the optimization of drug quality for the first time With this award, the special merits of the award winner Professor Emeritus Dr. Josè Augusto Guimarães Morais, University of Lisbon, recognized for the development of regulatory criteria for the comparative assessment of the bioavailability of systemic drugs. „We are very pleased that we can award the prize to such an outstanding scientist,“ explains the founder and chairman of the foundation, Professor Dr. Henning Blume, who has been committed to promoting drug quality for many years.

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November 22, 2021

Junior Professor Oliver Scherf-Clavel awarded with the prize for the “Promotion of Drug Quality”

As part of this year’s annual conference of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), the prize for the „Promotion of Drug Quality“ was awarded for the first time. This is a joint award by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM) and the DPhG.

The award winner is junior professor Dr. Oliver Scherf-Clavel, Würzburg, who was honored for his work on the contamination of valsartan and other sartans.

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